Hong Kong's Democracy Movement



Welcome to hkdemocracy! This is an informational site designed to provide an interesting explanation of the current situation in Hong Kong with regards to the pro-democracy movement. It is a compilation of information that reads like a story, and not an encyclopedia. The goal is to get you to understand Hong Kong's historical fight for freedom, as well as its relation to China.

How to use this website

To get started, click on one of the links in the homepage. It will make the most sense to start from the top and move downwards, because it was organized that way. If you're in a hurry, just read the summary underneath each link.

Organization of topics

The topics are all connected to the guiding question: has China stayed true to its communist ideals and unique culture as it has transitioned to a world power?

Topics in order
Historical Background
Beijing's Ideology
Important Conflicts
The Citizens Strike Back: Localism and Activism
The Security Law and Its Effects
The Big Picture - What does it all mean?